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Baronial Awards

These are the awards for the Barony of Unser Hafen. Click on the picture to be taken to a list of recipients of the award.


Please submit recommendations for awards! To do so, send an email to our Baron and Baroness describing who should receive the award, and the reason they should receive the award. Please also let them know who you are!

For more details on submitting awards, read about how to Hype Your Friends!


of the Portcullis

of Unser Hafen

Given for arts and sciences


L'ordre de la Rose d'Or

of Unser Hafen

Given to an individual whose participation in light weapons battle at war greatly assisted an Unser Hafen unit to be successful per a verbal poll of unit members. Given to one person per war.



of the Portcullis

of Unser Hafen

Given for enriching the fighting arts through teaching, service, and skill.


Noble's Gratitude

of Unser Hafen

Given to those who have demonstrated great service, or by their presence and actions at an event have brought smiles and laughter, and increased the enjoyment of the event.


Epona of Unser Hafen

Formerly Riders of the Portcullis. Given for enriching the equestrian arts of the Barony of Unser Hafen through service, teaching, and skill.


Skipping Stone

of Unser Hafen

Given for starting the Dream in Unser Hafen and going on elsewhere and improving yourself within the Dream.



of the Portcullis

of Unser Hafen

Given to those persons who have enriched archery and thrown weapons in the Barony of Unser Hafen, through service, teaching, and skill.


Torch Bearer

of Unser Hafen

Given to those persons who have given extraordinary service to the Coronet during their tenure.


Corona Graminea

of Unser Hafen

Given to an individual whose participation in heavy weapons battle at war greatly assisted an Unser Hafen unit to be successful per a verbal poll of unit members. Given to one person per war.


Iron Rivet

of Unser Hafen 

Given to those gentles who have demonstrated the consistent & continued support of the Barony for 15 years or more.


Order of Harmonia (formerly Minstrels of Unser Hafen)

Given to persons that have excelled in the musical arts and brought pleasure to the populace of Unser Hafen with their musical skills.


Prima Lux

of Unser Hafen

Given for achievements of ideals in those 16 and under.


Salt Bearer

of Unser Hafen

Given for exceptional work with newcomers.



of Unser Hafen

Given to a person who demonstrates the highest ideals of chivalric graces and represents the essence of the Dream. Given once per year; the holder carries a stone with the likeness of a totem wolf of Unser Hafen.


Golden Columbine

of Unser Hafen

Given for exemplifying the noble spirit and persona of the middle ages.


Golden Ring

of Unser Hafen

Given for service, teaching and similar skills.


© 2015-2024 by The Barony of Unser Hafen.

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