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Call for Officers

The following Baronial Officers have indicated that they wish to step down. Please consider
submitting a letter of intent for these positions. See below for details.

with Letters requested for:
Chatelaine (Gold Key)


Chatelaine (Gold Key):


Are you interested in assisting those new or newly returning to the SCA or to our Barony, to get the most they can out of the wonderous experience that we all love? Are you good at public relations, coordination and outreach? Are you interested in helping coordinate the loan of costumes for newcomers? Do you also enjoy coordinating the creation of new costumes to lend out? If so, please consider submitting a letter of intent for the Office of Unser Hafen Baronial Chatelaine (Gold Key).


Expectations for the person who serves as our Baronial Chatelaine:

  • Attend Sunday fighter practices at least 50% of each month and task a deputy to attend the other 50%.

  • Attend local Baronial gatherings like Medieval Night, White Rose Inn each month

  • Attend the monthly planning/Populace meeting

  • Attend local events that are hosted by Unser Hafen, 100% of the time or send a deputy

  • Attend Kingdom events as finances allow

  • Be the primary point of contact and information giver for newcomers attending local events

  • Head the team of event stewards for the Baronial Newcomer’s event every year

  • Create and maintain a Newcomer’s point on our website and on Facebook

In your letter please include:

  • A brief introduction to yourself, including your experience within the SCA and those skills you possess which make you a good candidate.

  • Confirmation that you are indeed interested and desirous of the position.

  • Optionally, you can provide a listing of awards you have received.

  • Your modern name

  • Your society/SCA name.

  • Your postal address.

  • Your telephone number.

  • Your email address.

  • A copy of your membership card or membership number.

Officers must maintain SCA membership for the duration of their tenure.

Please send your letter to the following:


We will forward your letters to the relevant society officers, once the call for letters closes.


Thank you for volunteering to help run our Barony!


Here be proclaimed the call for Letters of Intent for the Office of Unser Hafen Quartermaster!
Are you interested in coordinating access for event stewards to the Baronial storage unit and helping to bring needed tents and equipment to events as needed? NOTE: You do not need to own a vehicle to hold this position! There are many in the Barony that have trucks and trailers that can assist whoever holds this position to deliver needed items to events. If you are interested, please consider submitting a letter of intent for the Office of Unser Hafen Quartermaster. Training for the position is included!

In your letter please include:

  • A brief introduction to yourself, including your experience within the SCA and those skills you possess which make you a good candidate.

  • Confirmation that you are indeed interested and desirous of the position.

  • Optionally, you can provide a listing of awards you have received.

  • Your modern name

  • Your society/SCA name.

  • Your postal address.

  • Your telephone number.

  • Your email address.

  • A copy of your membership card or membership number.

Officers must maintain SCA membership for the duration of their tenure.

Please send your letter to the following:


Thank you for volunteering to help run our Barony!

© 2015-2024 by The Barony of Unser Hafen.

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