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Newcomers & Baronial Polling (2024)


Join Unser Hafen for Newcomers & Baronial Polling – a grand event welcoming all to the Society for Creative Anachronism. Discover secrets of history, combat, arts, crafts, and culture from our seasoned members at the class tables. Learn and enjoy the dances of yore, and indulge in a royal banquet. Delight in enchanting tales and melodies during the bardic competition and witness sword and shield clash in honorable combat in the tournaments. Participate in the noble duty of selecting the next Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen through polling. All are welcome, from newcomers eager to learn to seasoned members seeking fellowship and fun. Bring friends, kin, and good cheer for a day of history, learning, and revelry. Huzzah!


Call for volunteers

Brave souls of the realm, a noble quest awaits! Volunteers are sought to aid in this grand endeavor. Your valor will be rewarded, and your name honored. Click the link below to sign up for volunteering opportunities.



Details pending for…

Donation Lunch 

Feast Dinner



Newcomers Rapier Tournament and Heavy Tournament

Have you been playing for a year or less and have a passion for rapier or heavy fighting? Participate in the Newcomers Rapier or Heavy Tournament, or both! Both the rapier and heavy tournament will have loaner gear available for those without the required equipment. Participants need an SCA membership and a fighting authorization to participate!


The Pencerdd Bard Tournament

Join us at the feast for The Pencerdd Bard Tournament, a celebration of bardic talent where participants can perform songs, poems, stories, instrumental pieces, or other bardic arts. Embrace pre-seventeenth-century themes and showcase your skills for a chance to be crowned Unser Hafen's Pencerdd Bard. Whether you compete or simply wish to perform, this is your moment to shine and share your craft


Newcomers Dessert Competition

Have you been playing for a year or less and have a passion for the sweet treats of history? Indulge your sweet tooth at our feast with The Newcomers Dessert Competition, where culinary creativity takes center stage. Participants are invited to bring any style of dessert, with a nod to pre-seventeenth-century themes encouraged.

Please provide an ingredients card with your entry and join us for a delightful evening of tasting and competition. Bring your best and let your desserts shine!


Event Steward

Lady Caírech Liath ingen Ailpin (Skye Sutherlin)


Deputy Stewards: 

Dagny Innaldi (Sara Mildenstein) -

Elisa - 


Event Fees

Adult (non-members): $30

Adult w/member discount: $20

Youth (15 & under) are Free

Payment via credit cards will be accepted



9 am Event Opens

10 am Morning Court

10:30 am - 3:30 pm A&S Classes

11 am Rapier Tournament

12 pm - 2 pm Donation Lunch

1 pm Heavy Tournament

3 pm Evening Court

4 pm Evening Feast & Bardic Tournament & Dessert Competition

8 pm Event Closes 


When & Where

Johnstown YMCA

Saturday, November 9th, 2024

165 Settler Way, Johnstown, CO 80534


Event to be held in the large gym and outside in a small courtyard with grass.

Tables and chairs will be provided. Feel free to bring decorations for your table.

Site is Dry



© 2015-2024 by The Barony of Unser Hafen.

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